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PDA members’ concerns highlighted at the latest round of Regional Committee meetings

The PDA Regional Committees are pharmacists, all PDA members, from across areas of practice that are elected to represent the wider membership. They meet to discuss current issues in pharmacy ahead of PDA National Executive Committee meetings.

Thu 25th July 2024 The PDA

Below are details of some of the main issues that were debated at the third Regional Committee meetings of 2024.

With the recent General Election, all Regional Committees discussed the PDA’s manifesto, which put forward key asks of the next government to improve access to safe and effective NHS care for patients and support the vital pharmacist workforce.  All members were encouraged to share the manifesto with their prospective parliamentary candidates as well as others in their community.

The PDA Ability Network’s newly launched campaign, ‘Standing up for Sitting Down,’ was highlighted, which calls on employers to make appropriate and ongoing reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities and health conditions. In addition, various PDA events and training available to members were promoted.

Northern Ireland

Una O’Farrell, PDA National Officer for Northern Ireland, attended the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) women’s committee meeting, where sexual harassment and violence were a key discussion topic. The ICTU announced that they had produced some guidance in conjunction with the Labour Relations Agency (LRA) for employers, trade unions, and employees on eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace. On a related topic, Una shared concerns over community pharmacies pulling out of the Ask for ANI scheme.

Una also attended the 2024 Northern Ireland Healthcare Awards, where she presented the Pharmacy Student Leadership Award to Olivia Donnelly, from Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). 

In community, the PDA has seen an increase in the number of members seeking formal recognition with their employers. Many members reported receiving no pay uplift over successive years, so this issue has been a key factor in desiring trade union recognition.

GP Federations announced a pay uplift to their staff, however, it was not entirely in line with what the PDA had expected, so members are being supported with this issue.


During April, the PDA put forward three motions that aim to improve the working lives of pharmacists in Scotland at the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) 2024. PDA National Officer for Scotland, Paul Flynn, PDA Scotland Head of Policy, Maurice Hickey, and PDA Scotland Regional Committee member, Sade Abiola each delivered one of the motions.

In May, previous STUC Equality Award winner and co-opted member of the PDA LGBT+ Committee, Soh Xi Ken represented the PDA at the STUC LGBT+ Workers’ Conference. Scottish PDA members also met at the STUC headquarters in Glasgow to discuss important issues they face in their workplaces and to learn about strategies they can employ to address them.

In community, the Regional Committee noted a huge increase in demand for the Pharmacy First Service Additionally, locums reported closures at certain multiples.

In the hospital sector, members reported that morale was low, but that involvement in the PDA had made them feel supported.


In community, members continued to raise concerns around the Pharmacy First Service, particularly the training required to be able to provide the ever-increasing number of services. They also highlighted stock shortages and an increase in abusive behaviour from patients. Committee members further pointed out that the community pharmacy contract had been delayed due to the General Election, which would impact on the ongoing funding issues.

In the hospital sector, the North Regional Committee raised concerns around financial cuts in several NHS trusts, with staffing affected by a three-month recruitment freeze. Members were disappointed that recruitment freeze exceptions for frontline staff do not include pharmacists. Additionally, hospital pharmacists are being asked to be Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPPs) to support community pharmacists doing Independent Prescribing (IP) courses, but members are not sure how they will fit this in with existing workloads.

Locums noted a decrease in rates being offered by employers, which they thought may be regional.

South East

Community members highlighted a lack of support for IP training for pharmacists, with companies requesting that pharmacists find their own DPP at a cost.

In primary care, the Regional Committee discussed how pharmacists are looking for their roles to expand but there are no opportunities currently available and each practice dictates its own scope.

Locum members raised difficulty in engaging with the Pharmacy First Service due to time constraints, capacity issues, and access to training, which sometimes results in cancellations of locum bookings.

Wales and West

In community, members raised the issue of trainee placement availability following Well Pharmacy’s announcement that they are reducing the number of trainees since they do not have enough DPPs. There were also reports of large multiple closures, with some locums being asked to split their shift, covering more than one branch, and this is impacting on neighbouring pharmacies. Members are reminded to report pharmacy closures, this can be done by completing a PDA form and emailing it to the relevant NHS England and Improvement pharmacy contract team.

Additionally, it was noted that although most pharmacists are happy to extend their service provision through the Pharmacy First Service or the Common Ailments Service, it does impact on workload.

In the hospital sector, purdah arrangements prior to the General Election further delayed a decision about the NHS annual pay increase. Members reported continued issues with recruitment and retention, and senior pharmacists are now being asked to do on-call due to staffing shortages.

In primary care, the Regional Committee discussed that members are being asked to work outside their competencies, for example, being referred high risk patients such as suicidal patients and those with breast cancer if there are no GP appointments available. This is impacting on the wellbeing of pharmacists, as they are feeling unsupported and isolated. Any PDA member finding themselves in this position should contact the PDA Member Support Centre for advice.

Matters raised by individuals and groups of members which are discussed at regional level are reported to the National Executive Committee, where PDA Union policy is set.

PDA members needing support with issues at their workplace should contact the PDA Member Support Centre, while wider concerns about developments or trends in pharmacy can be shared with the local Regional Committee.

The Regional Committees are part of the PDA’s democratic structure and are formed to represent members’ views.

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
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The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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