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PDA encourages members to stand up for sitting down

On Tuesday 4 June, the PDA held an online event to launch the PDA Ability Network’s new campaign, ‘Standing Up for Sitting Down’. The campaign aims to raise awareness of disability discrimination and calls on employers to make appropriate and ongoing reasonable adjustments.

Wed 3rd July 2024 The PDA

The ‘Standing Up for Sitting Down’ campaign was created by the PDA Ability Network, following a recent survey that found that many pharmacists were not being provided the reasonable adjustments that they required.

The PDA believes that it’s crucial for all workers to receive the reasonable adjustments they need, and so this event was designed to not only launch the campaign but also educate members on their legal rights at work and how the PDA can support them.

At the start of the hour-long event, PDA Organiser, Liz Larkin discussed the motivation behind the campaign and explained that it aims to support pharmacists who have all forms of disabilities and long-term health conditions, including those that have physical and/or mental impacts. She then covered the asks of the campaign and how to take part.

PDA Director of Defence Services, Mark Pitt explained discrimination law and the meaning of reasonable adjustments so that attendees had a clearer understanding. He also shared examples of ways the PDA has previously supported disabled members to secure the reasonable adjustments that they are entitled to, such as the provision of a chair, lighting alteration, and working pattern changes. Mark then discussed tactics that are used by some employers to refuse adjustments and advised members to get specialist advice from the PDA as soon as possible, keep a diary of incidents, inform their employer of their disability, and request reasonable adjustments and a disability passport.

There was a short Q&A session at the end of the event, where Mark offered advice and pointed members to helpful resources. For specific and detailed advice, the PDA encourages members to contact the PDA Member Support Centre, especially if they are struggling to secure the reasonable adjustments they need or are facing disability discrimination in the workplace.

Member feedback

PDA Ability Network member, Daniela Rusalim, who attended the event said, “I recently attended a lunchtime event that introduced the ‘Standing up to Sitting Down campaign’.

It was highlighted that the PDA not only raises awareness about discrimination but also, through its status as a union, takes decisive and clear action to fight it. This includes taking cases to employment tribunals, providing legal advice and representation for members in formal meetings, and sending Health and Safety Representatives to inspect the workplaces of employers where there is trade union recognition.

The event was well attended and impactful and I look forward to further initiatives.”

Get involved

All pharmacists are encouraged to participate in the ‘Standing Up for Sitting Down’ campaign by:

  • Having conversations with colleagues about disability and reasonable adjustments
  • Talking to your employer about reasonable adjustments
  • Promoting the PDA Ability Network and this campaign on social media
  • Sharing examples of good practice with the PDA

Opening this line of dialogue helps to normalise reasonable adjustments in the workplace and encourages employers to act swiftly and appropriately to support their workers.

Learn more

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register No 307063)

The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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