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Locum Matters: PDA locum members discuss current issues

On 25 June 2024, PDA locum members met at an online network event called ‘Locum Matters’ where they were given the opportunity to network with each other and discuss current issues they are facing. The event took place in response to locum members highlighting to the PDA topics that are of importance to them.

Wed 24th July 2024 The PDA

Prior to the event taking place locum members were asked what issues of those they previously highlighted that they wanted to discuss. Issues reported included training particularly around the recent Pharmacy First Services, poor locum rates, respect for professional autonomy, adequate rest breaks and more. One particular issue that was highlighted and discussed during the event was pharmacy closures. Some locum members reported that employers try to get locum members to work for a lower rate and some have had employers insinuate that if they do not work for a lower rate the pharmacy would need to close.

Director of Membership & Communities, Paul Day gave a presentation on locum rates, agency working, and the legal position of cartels. During Paul Day’s presentation, he also covered the rights of employees, workers, and the self-employed along with some of the implications associated with employment status.

This was followed by speaker, PDA National Officer and pharmacist, Una O’Farrell who discussed the opportunities for locum pharmacists to be active members of the PDA. Una shared examples of campaigning and trade union activity from other PDA members and the power of solidarity from different groups of trade union members. She reiterated that the PDA is the independent certified union for all pharmacists including for locums and many issues impact on all pharmacists.

Locum pharmacists deserve better treatment from the sector and there is solidarity on all pharmacists coming together on the key issues. The contract for pharmacy services and the responsibility for patient access to services is with the contractor/employer. The agreement for a pharmacist in this case is between the employer and the locum or agency/locum.

Locum members in attendance were given the opportunity to take part in a FAQ session. During this session, examples of political lobbying and campaigning on matters such as supervision, staffing, pay, and wellbeing were shared. Finally, PDA National Officer, and locum pharmacist himself, Paul Flynn called on locum members to volunteer to become PDA Reps, engage in training, and join the PDA Locum Task Force. By working together PDA locum members can lead change for all locum pharmacists and he looked forward to working with the group to develop a campaign together.

Paul Flynn said, “The PDA has an excellent trade union training programme for all reps including the locum members who have stepped up to the challenge ahead. I look forward to bringing the PDA Locum Task Force together to support them to prioritise their issues and build their campaigning activity. However, I also note that many issues raised by locum members such as the Pharmacy First Service, workload, wellbeing, and health and safety are the same issues faced by all pharmacists. The PDA is best placed to help locum members join pharmacists from other sectors in raising these issues with employers and their new MPs as appropriate.”

Sidney, a PDA Locum Rep said, “I enjoy being a PDA Locum Rep and I feel it is important if you want to see change and to be part of leading change. Being a rep has enabled me to network with peers across pharmacy sectors and gain access to information and knowledge which has benefitted me and my colleagues. From this meeting I hope there can be a vision to raise the plight of locum pharmacists and to bring them together to amplify their voice through the PDA.”

The event was facilitated by Collette Bradford, PDA Director for Organising and Engagement, she said, “It was a pleasure to meet online many of the locum members from the PDA Locum Member network. There is strength in locum members understanding their worth and supporting each other on matters which are important to them. The PDA is the union for all pharmacists and we look forward to working more closely with our PDA Locum Reps task force and the wider locum membership to address many of the issues they have raised.”

PDA locum members who are interested in getting involved in the PDA network for locum members and being included in the next ‘Locum Matters’ event should contact the PDA by emailing Those interested in becoming a PDA Locum Rep can learn more by clicking here.

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Register No 307063)

The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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