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BAME Pharmacists’ Network launches Race and Ethnicity Terminology Factsheet

The BAME Network has produced a new factsheet to help PDA members and others in the profession to educate themselves on terminology used when discussing issues and topics around race and ethnicity.

Mon 20th September 2021 The PDA

There are several words, phrases and acronyms that appear when talking about race and ethnicity that carry different connotations depending on the context of the conversation with patients or colleagues in the workplace.

For this reason, it is important that pharmacists, trainees and students understand the meaning of some of the most commonly used phrases.

PDA BAME Network members have put together this factsheet that includes terminologies and definitions as a starting point.

The BAME Network was launched in April 2020 and is one the PDA’s four Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Networks. The network’s mission is to empower Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic pharmacists to thrive in their careers and help raise their profiles. The PDA believes that education is a crucial part in helping to achieve that mission by raising awareness, providing information, and sharing individual experiences.

Elsy Gomez Campos, President of the BAME Network, said:

“I support the publication of a factsheet with terminology related to race and ethnicity. Understanding the correct definition of words used on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion discussions is an essential part of the education that must take place within our profession. In addition, the factsheet will contribute to safer and more meaningful conversations on EDI topics that can sometimes be challenging. Therefore, this factsheet is a crucial resource, and I would encourage PDA members to use it and share it widely within their teams.”

Nav Bhogal, PDA Union South East Regional Committee Member and Chair, said:

“To effectively alleviate prejudices and promote unity, diversity must be celebrated to help create a bias-free workplace. We need to listen and celebrate what is both common and different amongst us and use our individual platforms to create a culture of change where everyone has an equal opportunity.”

The PDA has represented many members that have been discriminated against in their workplaces. These unfortunate cases are sometimes the result of ignorance and being uninformed about how to speak to colleagues of different ethnic backgrounds and how to tackle issues surrounding BAME communities.

The PDA BAME Network calls on every member to endeavour to read, understand, and share this factsheet, irrespective of their race or ethnicity in order to support all colleagues and be better allies to help make the workplace fairer and more fulfilling.

The Race and Ethnicity Terminology Factsheet is FREE to download now.

Download the factsheet here

thumbnail of BAME Factsheet

Not yet a member of the BAME Pharmacists’ Network?

If you have not yet joined the BAME Network, we encourage you to join today and ask your colleagues to do the same.

For more information about the network and how you can get involved, click below.


Learn more about the work of the network here.












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